Saturday, May 16, 2015

Poyang Lake

Poyang Lake, located in Jiangxi Province, is the largest freshwater lake in China. Having experienced many geological changes, it is now wide in the south and narrow in the north, like a huge gourd tied on the waist of the Yangtze River. Poyang Lake is a resplendent pearl on the vast Chinese territory. For thousands of years, it has been nurturing the people in Jiangxi Province and attracting visitors with her charm.
Poyang Lake is abundant in biological resources. There are more than 90 kinds of fishes. What’s more, the lake provides a habitat for half a million migratory birds and is a favorite destination for birding. It is fed by the Gan, Xin, and Xiu rivers, which connect to the Yangtze through a channel. During the winter, the lake becomes home to a large number of migrating Siberian cranes, up to 90% of which spend the winter there.
Looking out over the vastness of the lake, with its blue waves that stretch to the horizon, is much like standing on the shore and looking out over an ocean. On days when the sun shines and the sky is a clear blue, the sky and the water seem to meet on the horizon. Sailboats on the lake dart back and forth, appearing to joust with the billowing clouds. Rafts float along one after another like a big moving dragon. Poyang Lake is rich in aquatic plants, which create a hospitable environment for many rare species of freshwater fish. In addition, many kinds of rare birds are attracted here, making it a popular destination for birdwatchers.

Lake-view Pavilion
There is a large wooden structure located on the shore of Poyang Lake north of Wucheng Town. From the pavilion, you can see the majestic confluence of the Xiu and Gan rivers.
Lake-View Pavilion plays a role in a popular story about the area. During the late Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) General Chen Youliang battled with Zhu Yuanzhang (1328-1398, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)) at Poyang Lake. Chen's wife often watched the battles from the pavilion, noting that neither side seemed to dominate the conflict. One day, she suggested a stratagem to her husband, hoping that it would bring him victory. At first, General Chen rejected the idea, but he later realized that he did not have any better ideas. In addition, some of his subjects strongly recommended his wife's plan. He implemented her plan and won the battle. On his way home from the battlefield, General Chen saw his beloved wife waiting for him in the pavilion. Planning to play a trick on her, he laid down his commander-in-chief banner. Seeing the banner on the ground, his wife thought that her husband had lost the battle and been killed because he failed to take her advice. She was so distressed that she jumped into the water and died.
Lake-View Pavilion was originally constructed in the later years of the Eastern Han Dynasty (317-420) and the early part of the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280). The present exquisite pavilion was rebuilt by the local government in 1988. It has four floors and stands on a platform made of granite. The view from Lake-View Pavilion takes in the rivers, the lake, the fishing boats, and the birds that contribute to the beauty of Poyang Lake.

Luoxingshi Rock
Luoxingshi Rock is located on the bank of Poyang Lake in Xingzi County. In fact, it is a little rock island that looks like a star floating on the surface of the water, because it rises and falls along with the water level in the lake. Although Luoxingshi Rock is a tiny place, it is well known as a gathering place for scholars, men of letters who met here during many dynasties, giving Luoxingshi Rock a strong cultural heritage. With its temples, stone towers and other structures, Luoxingshi Rock has become a must-see scenic spot in Xingzi County around Poyang Lake.
In spite of these, splendid mountains and wonderful islands can be found everywhere around Boyang Lake. Mt. Shizhongshan and Mt. Dagushan in Hukou County, Mt. Nanshan and Laoyemiao Shrine in Douchang County and Mt. Luoxingdun in Xingzi County are intriguing tourist attractions. All scenic spots are connected to form a tourist route through cruisers, under the efforts of Jiujiang Tourism.
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