Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Jingdezhen Ceramic History Museum

Jingdezhen Ceramic History Museum is the first ceramic-themed museum in China. Located in the Panlongshan, the western suburb of Jingdezhen City in Jiangxi province, Jingdezhen Ceramic History Museum covers a total area of 830,000 square meters. It was built in 1979 and officially opened on October 1, 1984.
This ceramics museum has collected over 5,000 items of historical relics. Around 100 items are Class One relics, most of which are products of government porcelain kilns, the porcelains left from the Yuan Dynasty and the samples showing the processing technique of the celadon of the Yuan Dynasty. The celadon pillow with the pattern of dragon and tiger left from the Song Dynasty combines the technique of piercing and picking-up; the celadon vase with the pattern of plums left from the Yuan Dynasty is one of the best among the celadon products left from the Yuan Dynasty; and the celadon big plate, 72 cm in diameter, with the pattern of a sea animal, is a special product produced from the imperial porcelain kiln at that time.
In addition to the wide variety of articles in the exhibition, the beautiful antique architecture of the museum attracts tourists too. The antique architecture is in two parts: Ming Garden and Qing Garden. The 'Wangbo Residence' in Ming Garden is a house in the typical Hui style. The two most representative buildings in Qing Garden are the 'Yuhuantang', a memorial temple in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), and the 'Dafu Residence', meaning a residence for scholars in the Qing Dynasty. The two gardens are composed of ancient kiln-workshops, ancient kilns, and ancient structures that were originally scattered throughout Jingdezhen City but have now been collected here by the government.
Near the Qing Garden are a group of kiln-workshops in which the ceramics are manufactured. Tourists can not only watch the manufacturing process and appreciate the elaborate techniques, but also experience the process themselves. Visitors can buy any beautiful ceramic works they like.
Nowadays, it has become the most famous cultural tourist attractions in Jingdezhen. October is the best time to visit Jingdezhen Ceramic History Museum, for the annual "Jingdezhen National Ceramic Festival" begins on October 12th and lasts for one month.
For more information, please visit www.top-chinatour.com

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