Sunday, May 24, 2015

Mt. Jinggang-----Revolutionary Based Area

Brief Introduction
Mt. Jinggang is located on the common boundary of Jiangxi Province and Hunan Province, 352 kilometers (about 219 miles) southwest from the capital city - Nanchang. The mountain areas have a high center that is surrounded by a somewhat lower level and between them they present two obvious steps. At the point that these steps are divided the relative height is 500 meters (about 1640 feet).
It was here that the famous Five Sentries (the five Red Army military strongholds built) stood overlooking the difficult terrain. Another feature of the area is the many well-shaped basins among the ridges. It was these natural indentations that gave the mountain its name of Jing, meaning well and gang, meaning ridge - hence 'Jinggang'. It covers a fairly wide area but it is possible to arrange for a car to carry you to the various separate sites of interest. These are not far from each other and the cost, which can be negotiated, will be reasonable.

Base of the Red Army
The Jinggang Mountains is known as the birthplace of the Chinese Red Army, predecessor of the People's Liberation Army and the "cradle of the Chinese revolution". This mountain has great significance in the annals of modern Chinese history for it was here that important events during the Chinese revolution took place. For those who are interested in the history of the revolution, it is possible to take a tour on Mt. Jinggang that the people who against great odds struggled to establish the Peoples' Republic of China.
Mt. Jinggang is famous for the fact that it was here that forces led by Zhu De joined those headed by Mao Zedong. Together, the combined forces of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) marched on to a victory that was to establish the new China under the Chairmanship of Mao Zedong. The mountain with its special features is quite different from the other sights, which makes a visit so rewarding.

Jinggang Mountain is rich in natural resources. With a forest coverage rate of 64%, more than 3,800 different plants grow here, including over 30 rare tree species and over 20 rare animal species. Owing to its rich resource of animals, a nature reserve of 16.6 square kilometers was established here by the state in 1981. The mountain was selected as one of the key national scenic spots in 1982. Major scenic spots in the mountain include Five-Fingers (Wuzhi) Peak, Dragon-Pond (Longtan) waterfall, Huangyang Jie , and Ci Ping.
The first site of interest is Five-Fingers (Wuzhi) Peak; this is the highest in the Jinggang mountain range. The peak has the appearance of five extended fingers, hence its name. The steep peak extends in an imposing way from southeast to northwest. There is no path on which to climb and the unspoiled virgin forest on the mountain is almost without any trace of human beings. Tourists may climb up to the Sightseeing Platform opposite, which is the best view point for seeing its majestic appearance. The Mt. Jinggang River twists and turns as it races through this valley. On the mountainside, and visible from a long distance, is a large waterfall that appears like a thin silk veil hanging from the sky. Five-Fingers Peak is now the nature reserve of Jiangxi Province.
The next site is the Dragon-Pond (Longtan) waterfalls also referred to as the Five-Dragon-Pond. When you enter this area long before you catch sight of the falls, you will hear the thunder-like roar of the water. Upper most is the Jade Waterfall that drops down to the green and limpid Jade Pond. The second is Lock-Dragon-Waterfall which spews out from the yellow cliff top into the Golden-Lock-Pond. The flow of water is not large but it is famed for what appears like a dragon trapped in it. The next are Pearl Waterfall and Pearl Pond. The waterfall rushes down from a 30 meter (about 99 feet) high cliff and is caught in its path by a large rock that causes the water to break into thousands of pearl-like droplets that glisten in the bright sunshine, hence its name. The forth are the Flying-Phoenix-Waterfall and Flying-Phoenix-Pond. At the bottom are the Maiden-Waterfall and Maiden-Pond.
Huangyang Jie is one of the five famous sentries. The well-known Defence of Huangyang Jie happened here and Mao Zedong's poem-Xijiang Moon was written to commemorate it. The old residences of the Red Army leaders remain here and many stories about the revolutionary period have come down to us. A trench is also preserved and many tourists put on Red Army attire to be photographed near the trench as a souvenir. Some of the old equipment is kept there as well as the tools and materials used to make currency. Some Silver dollars (Yinyuan) were unearthed when the mint was restored and in the Currency Museum you can see these coins that were minted by the Red Army.
Ciping, the center of the Mt. Jinggang area and red revolution base of China, is the place where many sights can be seen. Ciping is a mountain city and was the location of the highest leading department of the Mt. Jinggang revolutionary base. Now many places of interest in connection with the revolution can be seen here. Among these are the Mt. Jinggang Revolution Museum, the Tower of the Revolutionary Martyrs and military statues. Mt. Jinggang Revolution Museum was established here in 1959. The museum uses modern techniques of sound, light and models to illustrate the important events of the revolution. The main natural beauties in this area are the Southern Mountain Park in south Ciping and the Yicui Garden. On the way to the mountaintop there are five kiosks. There is a pentagon exhibition hall on the mountaintop decorated with the statuary of workers, peasants and soldiers.
The famous Monument and Memorial to the joining of Forces on Mt. Jinggang is situated in the Dragon-city (Longshi) area, southwest of Huangyang Jie. The monument commemorates the achievement of Mao Zedong and Zhu De. The five exhibition rooms present the important event in Chinese history to visitors. The monument is 19.28 meters (about 21.1 yards) high, 5 meters (about 5.5 yards) long and 4 meters (about 4.4 yards) wide which indicates the date of join forces-May 4th, 1928. The two sides of the monument are inlaid with red marble, symbolizing two oriflammes, depicting the successful meeting of the two forces on Mt. Jinggang.
Mt. Jinggang has an indispensable place in Chinese revolutionary history and offers a good insight into the history of the Chinese revolution. However, this is not only a Red Army tourist spot but is also an area of natural beauty that offers you plenty of scope for relaxation.
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