Monday, June 1, 2015

Nanchang Bayi (August 1st) Uprising Memorial Hall

Memorial Hall to August 1st Nanchang Uprising is a national protected unit. This building was used to be a local hotel called "Jiangxi Great Hostel". In late July 1927, the 96 guestrooms of the Jiangxi Grand Hotel in Nanchang were booked by a group of Communist troops planning the uprising that was to result in the takeover of the city from Kuomintang control. During their stay at the hotel, the troops established the Front Committee of the Communist Party of China with Zhou Enlai as its secretary. The Front Committee used the hotel as its headquarters and held several meetings there in subsequent years. Consequently it is thought of by many as the birthplace of the People's Liberation Army.

In 1957, the hotel was converted into the August 1st Nanchang Uprising Memorial Museum, memorializing this pivotal point in China's history and preserving many of the most important rooms in the building. The title of the memorial hall was written by marshal Chen Yi. In 1997, the Memorial Hall was chosen as one of the one hundred national model bases of patriotic education. Jiang Zeming, the Secretary-general of the Central Committee of CPC, wrote the words "the first army flag rose here" to the memorial hall. Points of interest inside the museum include the Assembly Hall where the Committee was first formed, Zhou Enlai's work room, Lin Boqu's study and the bedrooms of the 1st Division Guards of the 20th Army. The history of the time is explained through documents, photographs, charts and drawings.
While devoted to the collecting and research of the collections, the memorial hall also did some repair and face-lifting to the site of command center as well as some updating and improvement to the exhibition. Combining sound, light and electricity, a big sand table is used to show the battle of the August 1 Uprising. Multimedia is used to tell the story of "Zhu De's Strategy". By the modern methods of electric chart, painting and sculpture, the exhibition has been enriched. New displays combining with restored ones, the whole exhibition is more vivid and effective. The stone inscription "the first army flag rose here" wrote by Jiang Zeming at the eve of 70th anniversary of the army is used as the prelude of the exhibition, which is impressive to the visitors.
For more information, please visit

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